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Maybe you need a press release for an upcoming exhibition, or some text to accompany images on a new website? Maybe you are publishing a catalogue, or need help organizing press materials? You've come to the right place. If I could be known for anything in my past life besides an active curator, it was as someone whose skills were put at their best use when I was writing about art and artists. $1.60 PER WORD, ONE PAGE MINIMUM



Another dimension of my active services are promotions, which can range from scheduled social media strategies, targeted email blasts, or private email and phone  correspondence. I am an able and expressive communicator who will devote himself to communicating your creative vision, formal rigor, and professional ambitions to the right people. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES


With two decades of independent curating under my belt and a dozen more years working in galleries, as well as running my openings and events newsletter, I have made longstanding connections with many venues and persons of influence in the professional art world. Hire me to communicate with them for you. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES



After curating over 330 individual exhibitions and working with nearly 3,000 artists in two decades, I have developed strong interpersonal skills and the ability to conceive of an artist's needs in terms of creative growth and to address them according to career objectives. $150 PER VISIT WITHIN NYC CITY LIMITS



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